NEW! As of Feb. 2025, ONE MILLION hearing aids sold by!

Hearing Success Program®

You actually hear with your brain and not with your ears. This is why hearing well is so essential to maintaining your mental sharpness, youthfulness, and overall health. Many people expect hearing aids to provide a perfect solution the instant they put them on. Sometimes this happens, but often that's not the case. Research shows it takes at least 30 days for your brain to adjust and relearn how to hear again with new hearing aids.

To guarantee your best outcome with hearing aids, we developed the industry's first 30-day program to help your brain adjust. It's our secret sauce and the reason our customers are twice as happy as the industry average. It's been developed with the leading hearing care experts, is based on the latest scientific insights, and includes feedback from thousands of customers. If you run into any issues along the way, you can reach our dedicated experts at 833.560.0663 for additional support.

30 days to better hearing

Before you put them on

Be proud about taking the first step towards better hearing and improving your overall health.

Know what to expect in your first days with new hearing aids by reading "Why Slow and Steady Wins the Race to Better Hearing".

Bring a friend or family member to your fitting appointment. It's awesome to hear a familiar voice when you try them on and it helps with the fitting.

Commit to your success. Since it can take up to 30 days for your brain to adjust, your commitment is key to making it work.

Week 1: Slow and Steady

Wear your hearing aids every day. Recognize that it will take time for your brain get accustomed to the new and better hearing situation, but that will only happen if oyu wear your hearing aids regularly.

Start wearing your hearing aids in quiet environments first, like your home, and experiment with easy listening situations like watching TV at a normal volume.

Read aloud to yourself for 10 minutes a day throughout the first week. This will help you adjust quickly to the new sound of your own voice.

Write down feedback on the sounds or situations that could be better. We can further personalize your hearing aids to your sound preferences in your follow-up appointment.

Your expert will reach out to you to ensure you're on track and see how we can support you.

Week 2: Keep up the good work

Wear your hearing aids every day for as long as it feels comfortable to you. The most important recommendation is to have no zero days, the more you wear your hearing aids, the more you are training your brain to hear better.

Explore additional easy-listening situations like talking on the phone or enjoying a quiet outdoor space, like your backyard. For more ideas, read "Activities That Help You Adjust to Hearing Aids".

Listen to an audiobook and focus actively on every word. This will help to retrain your brain.

To maximize your benefit, get your hearing aids personalized based on your sound preferences in your follow-up appointment with the provider.

Week 3: You're ready for the next level

Wear your hearing aids every day. By now you will probably be able to wear them almost all day.

Keep experimenting with more challenging hearing situations like the grocery store, conversations with multiple people, or outdoor settings.

Clean your hearing aids. If you need help, read "How to Keep Your Hearing Aids in Tip-Top Shape".

Week 4: Get comfortable, the work is done

Wear your hearing aids all day, every day.

Enjoy the fruits of your labor and keep exploring new situations.

Visit our FAQs or call us at 833.560.0663, whenever you have questions or need assistance.

Tell your friends and family how amazing it is to hear well.

Minimum wearing schedule calendar:

30 Day calendar founders

Take our free 2-minute question-based hearing test!

It will help you make an informed decision on treating your hearing loss.