NEW! As of Mar. 2025, ONE MILLION hearing aids sold by!

Become a Partner Audiologist and grow your business with new customers!

Join the #1 network of hearing care professionals in the US.

man trying hearing aids
  • Make use of the power of the internet
  • Keep your independence while leaving your competition behind
  • Become a member of the #1 hearing care network for FREE

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Your customers are online. Are you?

The hearing aid industry continues to experience exponential growth. Two factors contributing to this growth are: (1) big box stores like Costco have entered the market, and (2) people are actively searching for hearing aids online. In order for your practice to be even more successful, you need to keep up with the big players in the industry and take full advantage of the power of the Internet by joining our network of audiologists.

us map

Our innovative marketing approach attracts over 85,000 visitors to our website daily, making us the biggest online hearing aid provider in the world! Our marketing strategy allows us to unlock the potential of the Internet for independent audiologists and hearing specialists. It’s absolutely FREE to become a partner audiologist and be part of one of the fastest growing networks of hearing care providers in America.

"When you partner with, you can be sure that you will see a significant increase of qualified customers walk through your doors."

What makes customers unique?

Our experienced marketing team of 50+ professionals focuses on targeting people who are searching the web for hearing aids. This typically draws in younger, first-time users who would rather get help online before going to your office. Once we have a customer on the phone, one of our 100+ hearing experts pre-qualifies the client and ensures that by our comprehensive consultation every customer is well-informed before visiting your practice.

man and hearing aids on map of the us

To summarize, our customers are:

  • Younger and usually first-time users
  • Eager to find a hearing loss solution
  • Well-informed
  • Ready for their appointment with you

"We are constantly adding new partners to our existing base of 1,600 practices. Since we reserve specific regions exclusively for each and every partner, spots are limited. Sign up here to check for availability in your area."

Join the #1 hearing care network in the U.S. today! founders

Take our free 2-minute question-based hearing test!

It will help you make an informed decision on treating your hearing loss.