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Phonak Audéo Q

Modern Technologies

Audéo Q employs cutting-edge audiology technologies by Phonak. One of Audéo Q’s premium functions is the automatic focus on speech, auto StereoZoom. It automatically hones in on the voice of the very person that the user captures visually. Even in a high noise level environment, the speaker can be understood with clarity. Another premium feature is ‘speech in wind’, providing reliable speech intelligibility even when it gets windy. There is a relatively high probability of a hearing impairment to be accompanied by a sustained ringing of the ears (tinnitus). The Audéo Q, therefore, features a standard ‘tinnitus balance noiser’ producing a pleasant signal noise that alleviates the hardships of tinnitus.

  • Wind noise elimination: Enables clear hearing without wind noises
  • Acoustic feedback reduction: Suppression of irritating whistling from the hearing device
  • Frequency shift: Makes high-pitch range effectively audible again
  • Connectivity: Wireless connection with external audio sources

Versions and Design

As an exclusively behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid model, the Audéo Q is offered in three different versions, aptly addressing minor to severe hearing impairment, respectively. BTE-devices feature an inconspicuous behind-the-ear placement of the hearing aid casing and only a tube with the diameter of a pinhead leads to the inner ear, transmitting the sound. The color options for the exterior design of the Audéo Q are particularly numerous: Besides the traditional hair and skin tones, housings are available in eye-catching trend and fashion colors.

Wireless Communication and Listening to Music

Good news for hearing aid users who don’t want to compromise comfort while talking on the phone or listening to music: The Phonak Audéo Q is compatible with the Phonak wireless communication portfolio. This means that audio signals from cell, TV and other entertainment devices are transferred to the hearing devices wirelessly and can be enjoyed in excellent sound quality. Phonak’s wireless and accessory portfolio offers the Audéo Q user a wide range of options and a comfortable hearing experience.

Risk-free trial

Are you seeking advice regarding the Phonak Audéo Q or would like to receive information about hearing aids and hearing impairment? Then give us a call! Please do not hesitate to talk to our hearing aid experts over the phone – your inquiry is non-binding, free of charge, and neutral. Moreover, offers an online hearing test and much more information covering topics such as tinnitus or age-related hearing loss (presbyacusis). founders

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