NEW!’s most powerful devices yet: Horizon IX hearing aids.

How to insert batteries on Sony CRE-C10 OTC Hearing Aids |

Learn how to insert batteries on Sony CRE-C10 Over-the-counter hearing aids.

How to change the click sleeves and clean the Sony CRE-C10 OTC Hearing Aids |

Learn to change click sleeves and clean your CRE-C10 Self-fitting OTC Hearing Aids with ease.

How to pair Sony CRE-C10 OTC Hearing Aids with Sony Hearing Control App |

Learn how to pair the Sony CRE-C10 OTC Hearing Aids to the Sony Hearing Control App for iOS™ and Android™

How to Insert , fit , and remove Sony CRE-C10 OTC Hearing Aids |

Follow these easy steps to learn how to insert, fit and remove the Sony CRE-C10 hearing aids. founders

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