Behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid
Discreet and powerful
Behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids are the best known and most frequently selected models. These devices can be small, lightweight and worn discreetly behind the ear. While in-the-ear (ITE) models are not an effective solution for everyone, BTE hearing aids are suitable for users with almost any type and degree of hearing loss.
BTE devices are all available in various colours to match the wearer’s skin and hair, or to express personality. Larger pieces of hardware are generally higher-performing, which means users with more severe hearing loss may require larger hearing aids. Even then, modern hearing aids offer both sleek design and amplification power.
BTE with external receivers
Our most popular hearing aid choice, these hearing aids fit very discreetly behind the ear, and they are very comfortable to wear and delivers a natural sound experience. A thin cable carries the amplified signal to the ‘receiver’, located in front of the eardrum in the ear canal. A small dome, sleeve or an individual ear mould supports the receiver’s position in the ear.
The device covers the ear only partially, leaving the ear canal open for proper ventilation. The audio tube creates a direct link between the hearing aid and eardrum and ensures a particularly high quality of sound. This model, also known as Receiver-in-the-canal (RIC) or Receiver-in-the-ear (RITE) are typically suitable for mild and moderate hearing loss.
BTE with sound tube
Often used by people with more severe hearing loss, these devices are comfortable to wear and deliver high performance. The sound travels through a tube into an individual ear mould, custom-fitted to the wearer’s ear. The housing, larger when compared to BTE hearing aids with external receivers, contains a more efficient amplifier and a larger battery.
Ready to find your fit?
Behind-the-ear models tend to offer greater wearing comfort, better natural speech and sound perception, and better usability than in-the-ear devices. We can help you find the best hearing aid solution and connect you with a hearing care provider near you.